Why select us for your VMware virtualization, Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Azure, Red Hat Linux, Cybersecurity and Veeam Tasks?

Services are provided by experts who are well-experienced. We are into VMware, Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Azure, Seceon (Cybersecurity solution), Red Hat and Veeam (Backup solution).

We have executed multiple successful projects.

The portfolio encompasses various projects, including long-term, short-term and one-time solutions. These ranges from VMware vSphere – virtualization, Cloud setup, Cloud management, Windows & Linux installations, Windows administration to Active Directory management. We’re well-equipped to carry out tasks to handle all your IT Infrastructure Managed Services (IMS) needs, it can be for providing desktop and laptop managed services and / or maintaining and managing your critical servers. The solutions are provided in the Turnaround Time (TAT) which is as short as possible. Our services are available at a reasonable price. The SLAs can be customized as per your requirement.
The Cybersecurity solution from us prevents 99% of cyberattacks. The systems need to be security ready for Trojans, Ransomware, etc. If your system is not secured with the required solution then it might be vulnerable to Cyberattacks.
One-stop solution from Zaco is a complete IT Infrastructure Management Solution in terms of co-locating servers (including maintenance services) with managed services of the aforementioned software. The entire software and hardware management responsibility lies on us.

Key Benefits of Choosing Our Managed Services

We understand the importance of cost-effectiveness. Our services are designed to deliver maximum value without breaking the bank.

We believe in flexibility. Customize service level agreements (SLAs) to precisely align with your unique requirements.

Geography is no barrier to our support. We provide expert assistance from afar, ensuring uninterrupted service delivery.

Why Opt for IT Infrastructure Managed Services with a Third-Party Organization?

Partnering with a third-party organization like Zaco for your IT infrastructure management offers a host of compelling advantages:

Co-Location Vs On-Premises

At Zaco, we’re committed to providing you with the finest IT Infrastructure Managed Services (IMS). Whether you’re a growing business or an established enterprise, choosing the right infrastructure deployment model is crucial. Two primary options are at your disposal: co-location and on-premises. In this section, we’ll explore these choices and why Zaco excels in co-location IMS.

Making the Right Choice for Your Business

In the ever-evolving landscape of IT infrastructure, businesses are constantly faced with the decision of where to house their critical equipment and data. Let’s take a closer look at the key considerations:

Co-location with Zaco:

  • Cost-Efficiency: Co-location offers cost-effective scaling without heavy upfront investments.
  • Reliability: Co-location data centers boast redundancy, security and minimizing downtime risk.
  • Expert Support: Our team manages your infrastructure, leaving you to focus on core competency.

On-Premises Infrastructure:

  • High Capital Expenditure: Building and maintaining an on-premises data center involves significant upfront costs.
  • Maintenance Responsibility: Your team needs to handle daily maintenance and security.
  • Redundancy: Cost of redundant power and internet facilities needs to be borne by your organization.

We Are a Partner of

vmware cloud computing and virtualization company
microsoft multinational corporation and tech company
veeam it software company
seceon cyber security company

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